Giving the hepatitis A vaccine can reduce the risk of someone infected with the hepatitis A virus. The way it works is by making the immune system recognize this virus, so that when the virus attacks, the body can directly fight it. Hepatitis A (HAV) is an inflammation of the liver caused by hepatitis A virus infection. Transmission of hepatitis A is through fecal-oral, ie the virus enters through the mouth through food or drink that has been contaminated with the feces of the patient. This disease can be prevented in several ways. One of them is by giving the hepatitis A vaccine, which will stimulate the body's immune system to produce antibodies against the hepatitis A virus. This vaccine contains the hepatitis A virus that has been deactivated, and its administration is done by injecting it into the upper arm muscles. The Importance of Giving Hepatitis A Vaccine Giving the hepatitis A vaccine needs to be done 2 times, with a distance of 6-12 months. In Indonesia, the most ...